Dry Brush ExfoliationInvigorate your skin and remove toxins at the same time. Follow these simple steps to pamper your skin.
Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.
—Ralph Waldo Emerson |
10 Simple Steps to Skin Detox
![]() Dead skin cells tend to collect on the skin and clog your pores. Here’s how to dry brush exfoliate to remove dead skin cells, promote good circulation, and detox through the skin. Along with your usual favorite natural skin care products, make dry brush exfoliation part of your natural skin care regimen. Give it a try and follow these 10 Simple Steps for Dry Brush Exfoliation 1. Choose a Natural Bristle Brush.
A skin brush should be soft, yet firm. Natural bristles are best for dry brush exfoliation. Keep both your skin and the brush dry throughout the process. A brush with a long handle is useful for reaching all parts. 2. Stand in the Tub
Stand in the shower stall or tub, but do not turn the water on. This is a dry brush activity. Your skin needs to be dry to scuff up the dry skin cells. Lean against the wall if you need to, or even bring a small stool into the tub. 3. Brush in Small Circles
Start at the tops of your feet. Brush over the skin in small gentle circles. Slowly work your way up your legs. A good practice is to always work your way towards the heart instead of moving away from the heart. 4. Work Carefully
Avoid any damaged skin areas. Try not to scuff over rashes, reddened skin, or any scrapes and injuries. This is a process for healthy skin only. 5. Be Careful!
Skip over sensitive or soft skin areas, such as the inner thighs. There is no need to feel like you must cover every inch of your skin. If it feels uncomfortable, don’t do it. 6. Work Extremities Towards Body
Next brush over your arms. Start at the fingertips of one hand and brush small circles up your arm. The guideline is to always move towards the heart. Don’t work from shoulder down. Switch the brush to the other hand and brush up the other arm. 7. Work the Top Torso
Brush over the tops of your shoulders and down the top of your back. Only reach as far as is comfortable. Switch hands as necessary. 8. Don't Brush the Face
Avoid sensitive areas and soft areas such as your face, etc. Your face takes TLC and should be carefully groomed without need of large brush exfoliation. As always, be gentle with yourself! 9. Complete the Torso
Reach around below your arms and work the brush in small circles over your torso. Begin at your back and work towards your stomach. Skip the giggle spots or target them, however you please! 10. Rinse Off
Finish up with a shower or bath. Practice gentle cleansing with soap. Be sure to rinse well so there will be no soap residue You may want to rinse your skin brush at this time also. The let it dry thoroughly by hanging outside the shower stall. Do not leave the bristles sitting in water. |
Dry brush skin exfoliation should leave your skin feeling great. The gentle pressure of the brushing is like a whole body massage. It invigorates the skin and boosts oxygenation of the cells. You may enjoy the sensations and find it has a pleasant calming effect that stays with you.
Read more about the benefits of skin exfoliation here at Simple10 Tips for Natural Skin Care. If you enjoyed this SimpleTens List, find more articles about natural health care in SimpleTens Well-Being. |
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