Organic Pest Control
Organic gardeners wish to avoid chemical and poison-tainted plants and produce.
Simple techniques and products for organic pest control keep your gardens healthy.
Simple techniques and products for organic pest control keep your gardens healthy.
Control Pests Organically for Healthier Vegetables
![]() Vegetables are unquestionably a healthy and necessary part of your diet. Vegetable growers wage a constant struggle with insect pests that can damage or destroy their hard work. Unfortunately, when chemical pesticides are used on a vegetable garden, the residues can remain and cause problems such as allergic reactions. Organic gardeners seek to solve garden problems without using chemicals or unhealthy practices.
Organic pest control involves a holistic approach to gardening. It doesn’t mean substituting naturally occurring poisons for chemical ones and gardening as usual. It may mean that you need to make a few basic changes to the way you think about gardening:
Techniques for Controlling Pests Organically There are three basic techniques or approaches to organic garden care that are essential:
Resistant and Suitable Plants Choose insect resistant plants. There are many vegetable varieties that have disease and pest resistance built in. Try to find plants that grow well in your particular region. Suitable plants mean less time fighting pest problems Good Plant Care Plants that are stressed are prime candidates for problems. Try to give every plant exactly what it needs so it is never excessively thirsty or hungry. Remember, overwatered or overfed plants are also stressed plants. Feeding and weeding are daily activities. Products for Organic Pest Control An organic garden center has many supplies to choose from. Staff can help you choose products to promote healthy growth. Here are some tools for maintaining pest control.
The Gardener’s Best Tools Ultimately, your own eyes and your hands may be the most beneficial tools for spotting and removing garden pests. Use your eyes to spot potential problem situations before they escalate. Closely observe your garden a couple of times a week, lifting and looking under leaves. Simply use your hands to pick off and remove pests for squashing or drowning. |
Author: Karla Beatty
Strong, healthy plants aren’t as attractive to insect pests as weakened, stressed plants. Follow the organic practices above to develop the healthiest plants. Maintaining a healthy garden is the first approach to keeping a garden pest free. Give yourself a gift as a gardener and have the tastiest, healthiest produce you can grow.
Read more about natural pest control, organic gardens, and the environment.
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